Finding Your Voice

English 1101 – Intro

One word that describes how I’m feeling about this course is nervous.

Being a new student in college is nerve racking. It’s a whole new atmosphere, larger campus than high school, more freedom, and less guidance. I’m nervous with the workload I will be receiving from my courses. I’ve asked around and heard the workload is much different than it is in high school. As it may be nerve racking I will do my best to complete my assignments with effort. Another worry I have is time management. Its a great skill to have however, I’m worried that I will struggle with managing my time properly as I’m a new student adapting to a new schedule.

I chose this picture because this is where I’ve been working for the past three summers. I work at the beach during the summer time as a lifeguard. Working at the beach is great, I’ve made countless memories here with many people. This picture reminds me of all the memories I made and will continue to make.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    What a beautiful picture! And don’t worry too much– we’ll be working on time management together

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