Hi everyone!  We’ve come to the end of the semester.  I’m very proud of you!

Remember, final portfolios are due on Thursday, Dec 22 by 5 PM. No Exceptions! Please see the final portfolio assignment sheet for details.  Post to Open Lab (using category “Final Portfolio!”) If you are using Google Docs or a word doc, please post a link to Open Lab. If you send me an email, it is likely to get lost in the shuffle. So, send a link!

Remember– the final portfolio includes:

  • Unit One (revised)  
  • Unit Two
  • Unit Three including Artist Statement  (Revise either Unit Two or Unit Three) 
  • Final Reflection (see assignment sheet)

As per the syllabus, your final grade is broken down in the following way:

  • Final portfolio Essay 1 20%
  • Final portfolio Essay 2 20%
  • Final Portfolio Essay 3 20%
  • Final Reflection (in final portfolio) 10%
  • (this means your final portfolio is worth 70% of your grade) 
  • Homework/ participation 30%