Covid-19 was a moment when the entire globe was suffering. Although it was difficult, it was also a learning experience and an eye opener for everyone who went through it. According to my research, the reason the United States had such a difficult time containing covid-19 at the outset was due to the American society itself. Its policy initiatives, societal beliefs, and conspiracy theories all contributed to the virus’s persistence. It resulted in an economic downturn, millions of deaths, and a severe lack of goods and resources. Other countries who had an easy time containing covid-19 worked well as a society and respected and trusted their political leaders to make the appropriate judgments in containing the spread and leveling the threat. Countries such as Korea, for example, have cultural traditions that encourage them to be concerned about the well-being of others, leading them to collaborate with government and higher authorities policies and trust them to make the proper judgments to contain the virus. Countries such as Korea share their findings so that other countries coping with containment might learn and apply some of those strategies in their own countries. The United States first viewed Covid-19 as a low-level threat, which led to its defeat, despite having faced similar threats such as the Ebola virus, SARS, and MERS. What surprised me was how the United States is to blame for the spreading of covid-19. I used to believe that the virus was such a high-level threat that no country could control it, but when I completed my study and saw that the United States was the leading country in covid-19 cases and deaths, it shocked me. What I learnt was significant because it made me more conscious of American society and how different points of view may harm the country. It also demonstrated how government actions and policies have a significant impact on a country and made me more inclined to change them as a citizen in the U.S , such as voting for better leaders, and demonstrates the importance of voting because it has a significant impact on the country. I believe that the younger generation should be aware of my research because it makes them more cognizant of their society and how their voice may have an impact on where they live, essentially making it a better place for the nation’s future.