“Financial Literacy for College Students: Unigo.” Unigo.com, 19 July 2022, https://www.unigo.com/pay-for-college/financial-literacy/financial-literacy-for-college-students#:~:text=Financial%20literacy%20for%20college%20students%20is%20important%20because,the%20importance%20of%20saving%20for%20a%20rainy%20day.

Summary: College life is different for various people depending on where you are studying, what you are studying and how are you studying. Managing the functionality with your life and your education takes a lot of effort when it comes mostly to Independency. Financial literacy is the study in which you have the understanding of different branches and alternatives to finances and what you have to deal with, short and long term. This article makes sure to point out the key guidance’s into improving your knowledge with money management and the basics into saving and being tactical with your present and future expenses.  The author points out that “Twelve years after starting college in 2003–04, 27% of college goers had defaulted on one or more student loan debts.  And even students who don’t borrow loans for college may face financial challenges. College students could avoid financial mistakes by learning the skills to make smarter money decisions.”  In other words, the author leans into realistic habits that college students lack the ability to maneuver the way they handle their money when in school and outside of school. Sometimes sacrificing other savings for your future stability has to be a process to undergo when trying to find a way to not stay in debt before during or after college. Rationalizing expenses with your wants vs. your needs is a big step also that has improved my financial literacy and how it can possibly improve others too.

Rhetorical analysis: Reading through this article and looking through the website, it doesn’t seem like it has one specific author more like blogs from possibly unknow people, but what i can say is that they give out information mainly about students and their journey throughout chasing their career and more. Is the information accurate? it can be due to it being bias, but the unknown author really doesn’t help how who or why they are trying to do this website besides them helping college students. i do believe they sometimes talk about their personal experience due to them sating “Twelve years after starting college in 2003–04” giving the idea that they are putting their Pov and experience into what they are trying to say. their audience is mainly people in high school, going to college in college, and even graduates still seeking financial help. I believe he is forgetting also people who maybe don’t go to school and better off just work in the process of gaining stability, what are way that can help them or is financial literacy with investment and its expansion only available for those who study for it or wish to know/learn more about. The purpose to propose and ongoing safe and reliable way of thinking when dealing with money for future references. the struggle will always appear but maybe being smart with your way around money can help you get out of a situation you can be put into. this genre is more of a blog/short read to not bore the reader into so much information and more of the actual ways to learn and take action with what you are trying to take out of financial literacy. the tone is set more to a calm and reasonable attitude for how things are approached when dealing with business. The author also does highlight/link other resources from either the same website or other informative articles to support their claim and info.