The hurt us women are facing needs to stop. We are ignoring the problems just because it isn’t happening in “our country” which makes our sister hood looks bad. Us women need to come together and help each other weather that’s go-fund me or writing a post to bring awareness. I noticed in all my sources I’ve looked at that Ethiopian women are lacking the support they really need to overcome these women rights struggle. I also noticed that they only have each other no other outside support or help. I also found in my research that FGM is a cause of failed women rights in Ethiopia. Even though they are saying It’s banished It’s still being practiced underground. These sources taught me that we can change the future as long as we believe we can. Especially source 2 and 3 at the end I realized ending these women rights can’t be doe with one person it has to be ended with all of us women coming together. What surprised me mostly about the research was when the sources made me realize no one really helps until It’s being done to them. The understanding of my question is that its not really the traditions that effect women rights its the support. The women rights in Ethiopia are being labeled has that’s just how traditions are but its not the case. The case is that they are treating women rights has if it isn’t a problem at all. This is important for me to learn because now I will stop looking at women rights as a cause by traditions but instead I would look at the people that’s not helping these women as the cause. Females all over the world need to realize these issues and not just people in Ethiopia. We all need to try to help eachother and stop the fail in rights to continue.