Finding Your Voice

Why is music addicting?

Im in interested in this question because I really love music. Since I was young I was always around music. For example, cultural music, religious music, or the music me and my sisters played. Nowadays I find myself listening to music almost all the time. Whenever im doing something or going somewhere 9 times out of 10 ill have music playing. I expect find information that has to do with the brain and probably even psychology. Science on how the brain works when listening to music and how music effects us emotionally and physically. If my research isn’t what I expected at all I will continue to write about it because this is something im really interested in and something I’ve been wondering about for a while now. I’m already expecting a specific type of info and so I will challenge the assumptions I’ve already made and see if they were correct or not.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Alex, this is an interesting question– I think you need to clarify for yourself if you’re really going to look into the neuroscience of addiction (and there IS neuroscience research on addiction and music)or simply why music has had a cultural importance throughout human history– what makes music so compelling to humans? I wouldn’t use the word “addiction” unless you’re really gonna talk addiction.

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