Finding Your Voice

Hw unit 2 for Tuesday 10/11/22

Poverty: How would we be able to reduce the poverty rate?
I am interested in researching this question because it would give us a better understanding on how we would be able to gather more information on how to possibly drop the rate of poverty in the next decade possibly. We need to be aware that this is a worldwide issue and a lot of people struggle when it comes to poverty. I expect to find good facts and helpful tips on how to reduce the poverty rate. I should be able to find valid resources such as personal experiences and how they go through poverty and also what people tried to do in order to help those people in need. I want to be able to find quotes and good videos explaining certain parts of the U.S living through poverty. If I find anything about that goes against my questionI would reference it in my writing to show how I disagree and make claims and points on how it’s not accurate.


1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Keon, I think this is a good question. One thing you might want to consider to narrow it down is the “we.” That is, who are you directing this question to? Are you trying to figure out how everyone in the world could reduce the poverty rate everywhere in the world? This seems too large? Or are you trying to figure out, for example, how the state government could lower the poverty rate in NYC? Or how young people can make an impact on poverty in their own neighborhoods? I’d narrow it.

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