Finding Your Voice

Homework for Tuesday 10/11

For my Unit 2 test, I will be writing about the mistreatment of exotic animals. Why big companies like Petco, Pets smart, etc are still in business when they spread misinformation and provide the wrong care for pets? Why are they still selling live pets when all the animals they sell are sick or experienced traumatic things from handlers or the mills they came from? why are rodents, fishes, birds, are dying before they even get to the store? I would like to know what we can do to help? I don’t want to hear about these unexplainable things done to these animals anymore. I am very passionate about this topic myself because I am a hamster owner and its heart breaking seeing these horrible things done to these small animals and others in the pet store chains. Ive been told the wrong care for my pet in pet smart from an employe and I am not surprised. All companies care about is selling their products and making money. Which is extremely sad, these are living, breathing, animals that do not deserve this. I feel like a lot of pet owners, parents, and people in general need to know about this because It’s something that goes on today that just gets swept under the rug.

What I expect to find in my research is animal cruelty, abuse, and neglect. Iv’e heard many stories of these crazy animal mills and I won’t be surprised with what I find. Also on social media, this not the first time iv’e heard about what goes no in these pet stores.

If the information I find goes completely against what I expected to find, I really am interested in animal care so I would try to find a topic that revolves around that but if I can’t do that I will eventually find another topic that Have many questions about.



1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Briana, the only thing I would add is: the mistreatment of exotic animals for use as pets

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