Reading James Baldwin’s speech “talk to teachers” the part that stood out to me the most was he was talking about the “white republic” and how it brainwashed itself into thinking African American boys were animals. The reason I feel like it stood out to me the most is that I never heard that take before. Out of all the times I learned about that era of America and all the articles I’ve read talking about their views at the time I never heard someone express exactly why the whites oppressed the blacks and it made complete sense. It seems he was able to do the right research and form a brilliant take on the situation.  Something I want to know more about is the kid’s tv and why it seems like it’s on a decline. The reason I want to learn more about this topic is a bit winding and random but the skinny of it is that I saw a YouTube video talking about sesame street and how they let Zoey(a character in the show) get away with messing with Elmo with a rock by pretending it’s real even though it could be a bad example for children because earlier on the show had a bit where the big bird wasn’t believed about something as a joke and because of that children became less likely to come to there parents about stuff out of fear that their parents won’t believe them. This got me thinking about the shows and if they made changes based on data they have received because I assume sesame street wasn’t the only one. With the ball already rolling I also thought about the quality of shows I had growing up and I realize it seemed the younger, I was the best I remember the shows were with there being a few outliers. But as time goes out you’d think that their data method for kid shows would get better and there would be an increase in the quality of those shows but it seems instead it’s the opposite.    Â