It was 6th grade, the start of middle school. After my 5th graduation, I feel grown and just that guy entering the new school year. New people, New teachers, new experiences nothing is as it seems. Funny thing about the school is most of my friends from elementary school came to my middle school so it was a bit of a relief. Every morning I would get dropped off by my mom in the morning and we would listen to 100.5 phone taps and we would laugh at them together before I enter the school building. The start of the school wasn’t all that bad. Not that much work to be done and I was in the school gymnasium with my friends every chance we got whether it be after lunch or a free period we got. Fast track, Its autumn leaves are falling off trees and I can feel the cool breeze hitting my face. The way the breeze brushed pass my face I can feel that winters approaching steadily. But for the record, I like 6th grade for the most part except for the work we started to do and the smart remarks some of the teachers made. It didn’t affect me personally but it was funny to see teachers would act like that to a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds.

It was after recess and lunch that I had my fourth class of the day. I made sure I got a sip of water before I went to class because I had just been running around for a while. Its like I felt the water spread out to the rest of my body because how cold that water was. It was the class I dreaded for the most, English. I walked into class clenching my hoodie close to me as I said good afternoon to both my teachers. It was the middle of the first semester of 6th grade and the first essay of English will soon be due. The bell rang so If you were late, you’re late they made sure of it. “Everyone take out your first draft,” said my English teacher Ms. Gordon as she closed the door to start class locking me in for another 25 to life at least that what it felt like. But I was lucky I wrote it the night before because who knows what would have happened if I didn’t. Did I mention I was a really bad procrastinator even still to this day. “Go grab another sheet of loose-leaf and make your 2nd draft. I was upset because I did not want to write this essay again but I had no choice anyway. So against my own wishes I wrote it again and gave it in . The next day she asked us to write it again. “Why do we keep have to write to same thing over and over again,” I said stressfully. “Until you understand what it really means to read and write like a scholar,” said Ms. Gordon said firmly. So because of my little comment, she made me write it again and again and again like a sheet of never ending paper. I was good at keeping my emotions to myself but I was angry and stressed on the inside I can’t lie. Hands cramping up and I losing my patience I little bit at a time but I least I was almost finished.

I had finally finished it and she read it and smile at me. “You know why I made you rewrite it all those times,” said Ms. Gordon. I said “Why.” She said, “Because I believed that you could write me something better and even though you didn’t want to do it u still did it and I commend you for it.” I was stunned. I though she made me write it all those times because of the comment I made in class. She did it to teach me a lesson. Sometimes in life you have to do things you don’t want to do but you do it because you have too. I was a little troubled after because she went through those length just I for that when she could’ve talked to me. She even used my work as one of student examples to help others. But after that she collected all of the essays to grade all of them for the first big assignment for the school year. “Now that you have your first taste of real essay,” Ms. Gordon said as she walked around the room slowly. You could hear the sound that  her low cut heel made as she walked around speaking to us. Click!Clack!Click! Clack!”Now we can begin the work you need to learn to pass the 6th grade English State Exam that would be administer by the state in March.