From what I’ve seen so far, the conventions of the education narrative genre are all somewhat similar. The writer usually starts giving some backgroud information. For example, in the text provided “The Fourth of July” by Andre Lorde it starts off with information about the writer, where the person was born, what their job was, and some of the poems/books they wrote. Then the author will start writing about their childhood, specific experiences they had in their younger years. They would describe how their childhood was, how it affected them, what it made them feel like, etc. I feel like these education narratives are to show past experiences or just for the authors to write about themselves.

To get started with my own education narrative, I think a good place for me is to go back into my childhood and remember the memories that really stayed with me, affected me, and made me who I am today. I would ask family members to talk about how I was as a kid. From there I will start off with a dialouge, then questions, and so on. These questions I would ask to try and get my audience to relate to me and to get them hooked.

I have some questions/concerns about writing my own education narrative. One of my concerns is that I don’t see a purpose for these education narratives. I feel like I will be really lost trying to start my own education narratives. I wouldn’t even know where to start.







