One word that I would describe how I’m feeling about this course  would be optimistic

My experience in high school would be very different towards my expericnce now as a new student in college because of the different maturity levels there is within people and the academics that  I’ll be doing;  that would put the worry feeling of what to expect vs what you receive. The one thing that I am worried about is really my time management with hw. Obviously I would ask for help if needed and can handle being put under pressure, but I am very questionable if I can grow into the new transition with high school work and college work and everything  that really has to do with college.

This photo is one of the many other photos that mean a lot to me. It really is basic but it’s one of the very first plants I ever got for myself ever since I started gardening and just collected plants. It’s a money tree so I named it benji, short for Benjamin , becuase well, you know Benjamin’s…money… but yes It’s one of my favorite plants and I’ve seen it go through A lot of different stages of growth. Going from baby plant, drought , into  flourishing new leaves on the bottom branch. This  makes me see life and obstacles a different way and how you really have to earn your goals. You have to really go through something in order to get to your other thing and that has really helped me push through a lot of things in life especially now that I am I’m college.