Finding Your Voice

HW #1

One word that describes how I am feeling about this course is nervous. Nervous because English was never my favorite subject during high school. I always tried to avoid anything that had to do with reading and writing . So I’m nervous to open up to this new course and not judge it without actually getting use to it. Also my reaction to being a new college student is also nerve racking because now I am one step closer to my career. So life is starting to get real for me and now my decisions will start to impact my future.

This picture means a lot to me because it is a statue in Senegal that means hope. I am from Senegal so whenever I see this statue I always have encouragement and hope for what I want to become.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    We’re in this together! If you are having a hard time with the work, you can always talk to me about it. Also, I think you’ll find that the assignments are very accessible.

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