Author Archives: Fernando

Assignment 2


This article is about the rise of suicides in the United States.

According to the the article, the rate of suicide from 1999 to 2010 had jumped by 28 percent. They also stated that the people who are likely to commit suicide are middle aged Americans. It also noted the rates on how they committed it. It also stated that firearms and suffocation was used mainly by middle aged man, while middle aged women used firearms and poisoning.

The graphs used, separated the rates between men and women as they have extremely different tendencies when committing suicide.

I haven’t really established myself in the career that I;m striving for. However, I do plan on working as an Information Security Analyst. Statistics play a crucial part in it that job as it tells me the baseline of the current securities. It also outlines the trends of the most recent vulnerabilities and produces a numerical value of the number of occurrences. With that information, it is easier to correct the current deficiencies associated and make a better security.
