Author Archives: AnthonyP

Assignment #2


This article is called from “observation to data: the changing language of science”. This article is about how people had done a research in how PubMed article used a research term changed between 1915 and 2015. In the graph shows the collection of terms that were used in those PubMed articles during different eras. As seen in the graph, by the end of the year 2015, the term “data” is the most popular then the term “notes” was in 1915. I like the graph in this article because the graph is very easy and nice to read. It shows the different years on what term was the most popular.

Assignment #1 9/24


Hello my name is Anthony Puca, I am currently working towards a bachelor in electrical engineering. I think that statistics and probability can relate to my career. I think that statistics can be used to determine the design decision for a circuit. It is more statistical in a circuit that a certain wiring will cause an outage in a system.  Another way statistics and probability be used is when you are designing a circuit, and you want to know what certain parts of the components will most likely fail. Like if the items that your order for your design didn’t come from a good manufacturer. And what would be more likely a domestic component will fail compare to the components from over seas.