Stats and probability relate to my career in becoming a professor to a high degree. Stats and probability is pretty much used in everyday life, especially when its comes to grading tests, figuring out averages of tests grades, creating percentages for a grading rubric and so much more. Unless I plan on teaching in this course, I am not sure how much more in depth I would personally have to go, but as for the basics of stats, I think its a standard that I at least must know

Stats and probability relate to my career in becoming a professor to a high degree. Stats and probability is pretty much used in everyday life, especially when its comes to grading tests, figuring out averages of tests grades, creating percentages for a grading rubric and so much more. Unless I plan on teaching in this course, I am not sure how much more in depth I would personally have to go, but as for the basics of stats, I think its a standard that I at least must know.

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