Tag Archives: college

assignment #2 Tenzing Sonam

Every year, as college graduation draws near, assessments of the job market get personal. Soon-to-be graduates compare their prospects and offers (or lack thereof) to those of their peers. Parents and other relatives start (or stop) worrying about whether their kids may move back home or need other forms of continuing support. On the one hand, the number of jobs has increased notably, if fitfully, in recent years, which should up the odds of a grad finding work. On the other hand, pay has long been flat, even for college grads, so entry level wages, on average, will likely be no better than they were for grads from 15 years ago.The graph in this report shows the average hourly wages of young workers, by education.The average for college grads, $17.94, works out to about $36,000 a year.

Unfortunately, there’s nothing in any economic data to indicate an upturn in wages anytime soon. The employment record for April, released last week by the Labor Department, showed persistent wage stagnation and even indicated a slowdown in job growth this year from the pace set in 2014




Underemployed College Grads post by Michael Sanchez

An article written by Jordan Weissmann on The Atlantic, tells about students becoming “underemployed” right after getting out of college. Underemployed meaning that their current job after college did not require their degree; this is where the majority of young adults are being employed. The study included young graduates within the years 22-27 and graduates that are above 27 to 65, the number of recently graduated students are constantly getting jobs that dont need their degrees. The article also brings attention to the jobs that are becoming available throughout the years. As the years are going by, the number of good paying jobs (45k a year) are declining, while the low wage jobs (25k a year) are rising. And this is where recent grads are ending up in, in the low wage jobs, that are on the rise. Ofcourse that is for the moment, but on the other hand alot of college students end up making over 30k over the years. Not many are stuck being baristas or walking dogs for a living for a long time but it sort of makes you wonder if your degree is worth it not.

The article has 2 graph’s but i’ll only use one for this post, the entire article lies here: http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/01/the-growth-of-college-grads-in-dead-end-jobs-in-2-graphs/283137/