Unit 1


Discourse communities are everywhere, and you might not even know it. A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of goals, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. Discourse plays a very important role in how we live our lives and communicate effectively.  When asked about a community I reside in, I immediately think of the group shared by my friends and me. My discourse community has three members. It’s me and my two other friends and their name is Abu and Raihan. My discourse community was made when I was in my second year of high school. When I met my friends, we never thought we will be friends. Because we were always against each other.

All that changed when we went on a high school trip. On that trip, we had to do an assignment together and all three of us were in the same group. that was the first time we had to work together. When we started to work together, we realized we’re not that different. Our interests and goals were the same. We all wanted to graduate high school and go to college. All three of us wanted to do good in high school. After coming back from the trip, we became friends. we started to do our homework together. We would help each other with our homework are any other problems we had.

The most important word in my discourse community it’s simple it just helps. Whenever we need help, we just ask each other and if we didn’t know the answer, we would just find it together. I graduated my high school mostly because of them. When I was in high school, I was really lazy. Mostly I didn’t do my homework or any of my assignments. But when they became my friends, they helped me through it. They always pushed me to do my homework and they always helped me whenever I needed it. we used to say that if we graduate, we would graduate together, if we went to college we would go to college together, And we will help each other to achieve our goals.

Once we were attending summer college. it was a program for high school students. it helped them to get college credits. In that program, we had swimming every day. And I love swimming and I basically joined the summer class because of that and also because of the trips. One day when we were learning how to swim I kind of when to the deep side of the swimming pool by mistake because I was way too excited and I kind of underestimated swimming. I thought it was easy Bart I was wrong, and I realized it when I went to the deep part of the swimming pool. I was about to drown, and I thought my life was over, but my friend Raihan came and saved me.

I remember when I was a high school senior, I started coming late to school every single day. I had missed 2/3 classes every single day. And because of that my grades were going down, and I missed most of my assignments and my teachers told me that if I keep going like that, I had not graduated that year. But my friends were going to graduate and when they learned that I’m not going to graduate they pushed me to come to school on time and they also help me to finish my assignments. And in the end, just because of them I was about to graduate.


Now we graduated high school we’re in the same college and we did it by helping each other. It’s been six years of our friendship and the biggest reason we were in this friendship because we all needed help. Now we still depend on each other and to me they were my biggest help for my high school and my college and even problems outside of high school and college.

I think everyone knows the world help. But nowadays most of us don’t really help each other. And sometimes instead of helping each other, we of ourselves do harm to each other.  But if we all come together and truly help each other the world would be a much better place. We could help countries that don’t have water. we can help people who don’t have food. help is a universal word everyone knows the meaning of it, and I think all of us should do it as much as we can.

If I could publish this essay I don’t really know where I would actually publish it. because it’s just about me and my friends helping each other. But if I had to publish it are you published in Newsela. Because I read many stories there when I was in high school. And I think high schoolers could learn the value of friendship and help. and true friendship will stay with them for the rest of their life and it will help them every single time they are in trouble.



Unit 2


Humans have been playing a dominant role in accelerating greenhouse gas, which is causing the oceans to warm up and seawater to rise. The more consumers demand grows, the more we are forced to invent and install new resources to our lives for our personal needs and satisfaction. We use gasoline for our cars, and it made of crude oil pumped out of the ground a black liquid called petroleum. This liquid causes an increased amount of (CO 2 ) emission as well as other greenhouse gases. Also, rapid electricity consumption requires burning fossil fuels which cause an increase in (CO 2 ) as well as other greenhouse gasses.

The product that satisfies consumers daily lives are causing climate change because of those products we are destroying trees and releasing a massive amount of CO2, machine, etc. in our atmosphere. These gases go up in our atmosphere and stop the heat of the sun to go out of this world. Which causes global warming and because of global warming climate change occurs. The Earth is getting warmer and warmer and because of it the ice and the glacier of the North Pole and the South Pole are melting. So, the sea level is rising and if it keeps going like this, one day most of the Earth’s land will disappear.

One of the ways that we could use a massive amount of carbon dioxide and other she tripping gas is a fossil fuel. “The burning of coal, oil, and gas. Burning these materials is how we get most of the energy that we use every day and burning these materials makes tons of toxic gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the air. These gases are called Greenhouse gases.” This means the energy that you use in everyday life comes from burning coal, oil, and gas which releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which trap heat cause climate change.


One other way we are releasing a lot of CO2 is by farming palm oil. Palm oil is a big part of our life. We use it in almost every product in our daily life. “According to one analysis, from 1990 to 2010 9.6 million hectares of land were converted land was converted to industrial palm oil farms in Indonesia, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea.”. They convert those jangles by burning trees which releases tons of co2 in the air. Then that co2 goes up in our atmosphere and it traps the sunlight which makes our earth warmer and warmer. And this causes climate change.

Palm oil is extracted from the palm tree which contains oil. Palm production produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide. The idea of collecting palm oil was intended to save the planet from carbon dioxide. Even once environmental laws were encouraging the nations to promote the use of vegetable oil as fuels but later on, they found that it could have an opposite effect on the atmosphere. It scientifically testified that palm oil production is bad for our environment, but we are ignoring it. According to a recent online magazine by Abraham Lustgarten, “The tropical rain forests of Indonesia, and in particular, the peatland regions of Borneo, have a large amount of carbon trapped within their trees and soil. Slashing and burning the existing forests to make way for oil-palm cultivation had a perverse effect: It released more carbon.” This phrase demonstrates how palm oil cultivation gradually ruining our planet. It plays an equal role in global warming among fossil fuels. Approximately 3 million trees are being eliminated every year and that adds up to a ton of carbon dioxide which also considered a greenhouse gas. The fact is that although we know the effect of palm oil production still it is one of the largest resources in the United States and the entire world. Consumers are growing every day and that requires more oil production.

We use palm oil in almost every product in our daily life. “Around the world, the oil from its meat and seeds has long been an indispensable ingredient in everything from soap to ice cream.” palm oil is cheap and is really famous and the world, so it is being used in our daily life products around the world. To farm palm oil, we are cutting a lot of trees that were holding a ton of CO2 and now releasing it. “Deep tropical rainforest of Indonesia and particular the Peatland regions of Borneo have a large amount of carbon dioxide trapped within their trees and soil. Slashing and burning the existing flights to make the way for oil palm cultivation had a perverse effect: it’s believed more carbons.” please captures a lot of seating for us and when we bring all those trees for Palm all for me it releases a mass amount of CO2 in the atmosphere all at once which causes climate change. According to “The world wildlife fund estimated that an area about the size of 300 football fields is cleared each hour in the tropical rainforest for palm oil production.” This shows that we are cutting up thousands of cheeses and losing tons of CO2 do you know it’s mostly just to make palm oil.

These impacts extend well beyond an increase in temperature, affecting ecosystems and communities in the United States and around the world. So, we need to take action on climate change. It’s one of the problems that impact our environment and because of that the earth is becoming warmer and it’s making global warming.  The cause of global warming is the increasing quantity of greenhouses graces in our atmosphere produced by human activities. According to Newsela, “Emissions would need to stop or almost stop burning coal” This shows that in the future we may have to stop burning coal in order to save our world. Human is cutting trees, burning of fossil fuels, too much fertilizer use, build the industry, and factories black smoke. Every year people cut down trees that causing flooding. Many scientists believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is having a heating effect on the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerous for human life.

Looking through all the effects and impression of global warming we know that it’s would not be easy to solve this issue unless people are very well practiced and mindful about using products that contain Carbon dioxide Since this is ruining our planet then we have to stand against and fight until the term called climate change is fully eliminated from people’s mind. We live on this planet, so it is our responsibility to look out for it.



Works Cited

“What Are Climate and Climate Change?” Newsela, 19 Dec. 2016,



Britannica, Encyclopaedia. “Drilling Deep for Knowledge about Fossil Fuels – Power and Pollution.” Newsela, 6 July 2017, https://newsela.com/read/lib-fossil-fuels/id/32404/.



Unit 3

  Rakib Bepary

Why You Procrastinate



Procrastination means being lazy. When we procrastinate then for time being we relax, but most likely when the deadlines are drawing near we have to head down to working for really long times. It might sound cool in the short run but when we consider the long term, it really puts us in trouble. According to Billgates, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it”. It means procrastination is not very negative just like the sun always comes after dark. (Steel, 2007).

Procrastination is the tool for being forced to work hard. Those in favor are the ones who procrastinate; unlike the ones who do not procrastinate, they disagree. If you mostly procrastinate, then you might be used to meeting the deadlines. These are the people who even tend to perform their task at the last minute with the reason that they want to relax all day alone. Mostly those who procrastinate live a stressful life. It is so because our tasks are not completely dependent on ourselves, rather some external factors also play their part regarding the completion of a certain task.

Procrastination is something that you do even though you know you are not supposed to do it. In the article Why you procrastinate ( It Has Nothing to Do With self-control) by Charlotte Lieberman says that procrastination has nothing to do with self-control, but it has something to do with your emotions. In that article, she explained procrastination is bad for us. We procrastinate because of our negative moods. She also showed some of the ways we can stop procrastinating. By reading that article I think procrastination can happen because of our bad moods, it can be harmful to us, but there are ways to stop procrastinating.

We procrastinate because of our negative moods. In the article Lieberman say that ” people engage in this irrational cycle of chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods around a task.” In other words when we have a bad mood and we try to do something bad even though we know it’s a bad thing to do. For example, one day I had a little verbal fight with one of my good friends. I was mad that day. But on that day, I had to finish my first draft of PBAT, but I did not do it and I was avoiding it to do later because I was in a bad mood. So over here I procrastinate because I was mad at my friend and I did not do the work that I am supposed to do.

Procrastination can be harmful to us. In the article Lieberman quotes from Dr. Hershfield’s that ” When we procrastinate, parts of our brains actually think that the task we are putting off and the accompanying negative feelings that is on the other side is somebody else’s problem. To make things worse, we are even less able to make thoughtful, future-oriented decisions in the midst of stress.” This means that if we procrastinate because of stress then in the future if we have a little bit of stress we will procrastinate. Then if it goes on like this we will procrastinate more and more, as a result, our self-discipline will be gone and when we procrastinate, we will not even realize that we are procrastinating. For example, when I first went to high school, I used to do all my homework. But one day I was not in a mood to do the homework. So, I did not do the homework and I know that it is not the best thing to do but it felt good. Then the next day I did not do my homework again and I thought I will do it later and I kept avoiding my homework like this and now I am not even realizing that I am procrastinating. Then in that semester, I got a bad grade. So over here procrastination was harmful to me.

Procrastination is harmful to us but there are some ways to stop it. Self-realization is the key to success. We can never achieve success if we do not concentrate on ourselves, our weaknesses, our psyche, etc. You need to dig deep and figure out that why do you procrastinate. You need to find out the procedure of coming out of it, which is only possible if you understand the root cause of the problem. No one else can know our thoughts well than us. Therefore, the liability falls on our shoulders if we cannot help to avoid procrastination. Coming to the main point, I rather agree that WE procrastinate, so WE have to look at the phenomena causing that. (Knaus, W J, 2016)

The tool of time management and positive reinforcement works really well. We need to ensure that we are not looking at things in terms of their duration; rather we are looking at the reward part after we finish that task. If we take panic by thinking negatively, the result is simply chaos and we procrastinate as a result. In addition, we can put in a focus that breaking down the big tasks into relatively small parts is a good idea as it boosts our confidence and helps us realize that yes we can do it. This can be one effective tool for avoiding procrastination.

To stop procrastination, we have learned healthier ways to manage the feelings that typically trigger procrastination. In the article, Lieberman mentioned that if you break up your task and consider the next action it can help you stop procrastinating. In other words, when you have a task to finish don’t wait for your mood to get fixed just break up the task and get started then your mood will be fixed and you will get motivated to finish the task. For example, right now I didn’t want to write this essay because I had a bad mood I did not know what to write but when I started writing, I was motivated to finish it and now I am almost done.

In the end, I want to say that this article taught me about procrastination. It taught me procrastination is bad for us and how to stop. By reading this article in the future I will know how to deal with procrastination.




This semester I learned a lot from this class. First of all I learned what is a discourse community. I realized how discourse community help us and change our lives. Then I learned about climate change. I learned I learned that we humans are destroy the earth for our daily needs. The product that satisfies consumers daily lives are causing climate change because of those products we are destroying trees and releasing a massive amount of CO2, machine, etc. in our atmosphere. These gases go up in our atmosphere and stop the heat of the sun to go out of this world. Which causes global warming and because of global warming climate change occurs. The Earth is getting warmer and warmer and because of it the ice and the glacier of the North Pole and the South Pole are melting. So, the sea level is rising and if it keeps going like this, one day most of the Earth’s land will disappear. From this class I also learned more about myself. I procrastinate a lot and from this class I learned that procrastination is harmful to us but there are some ways to stop it. Self-realization is the key to success. We can never achieve success if we do not concentrate on ourselves, our weaknesses, our psyche, etc. You need to dig deep and figure out that why do you procrastinate. You need to find out the procedure of coming out of it, which is only possible if you understand the root cause of the problem. No one else can know our thoughts well than us. Therefore, the liability falls on our shoulders if we cannot help to avoid procrastination. Coming to the main point, I rather agree that WE procrastinate, so WE have to look at the phenomena causing that. (Knaus, W J, 2016). From this class I learned how to stop procastinating.To stop procrastination, we have learned healthier ways to manage the feelings that typically trigger procrastination. In the article, Lieberman mentioned that if you break up your task and consider the next action it can help you stop procrastinating. In other words, when you have a task to finish don’t wait for your mood to get fixed just break up the task and get started then your mood will be fixed and you will get motivated to finish the task.

From what I learned from this class I will be able to use a lot of it in my real life. Now I know we humans are the biggest reason find global warming I don’t know if I can convince others to go green and use a clean source of energy. But I will always try to use clean energy and I will try to stop damaging the earth  as much as I can. I also learned a lot about my biggest problem which is procastination. Now I know how harmful it is and I also know how can I stop it.