Yvonne Chan’s ePortfolio

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I’ve offered customer service ever since my first job at age 15. I’ve gained valuable experience through working in salons, doctor’s office, bars, insurance company and high end retail. Though it’s in very different industries but they all have a common factor which is providing customer service. I’ve learn to approach different customers in different situations but also providing the best customer service at the same time. It feels very rewarding when customers give positive feedbacks.
By exploring different industries, it has helped me discover my passion for business and working with people. This led me to earn an Associate in Arts degree in Business Administration from Borough of Manhattan Community College. After graduation from BMCC, I decided to apply for City Tech’s Hospitality Management Program because I wanted to learn more in depth of one of world’s leading customer service industries.
With my growing passion for hospitality management program, I will earn my bachelor degree in hospitality management at City Tech and obtain a position in a well established hotel. I want to have a more hands on experience in the industry and being able to apply my knowledge from the program.
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