WeBWorK Working Group

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  • Resources (links)
  • #13057

    Jonas Reitz

    Post links to often-used (external or internal) resources here. I will include two that Andrew sent me when I first started using WeBWorK:

    http://hobbes.la.asu.edu/Holt/chaps-and-secs.html — Explains where you can find different problem types in the National Problem Library (basically a big list of all Subject/Chapter/Section titles — search the page for topic to see where it resides in the NPL).

    http://webwork.maa.org/wiki/SampleProblem1 — A good introduction to writing your own problems.


    Jonas Reitz

    Here’s a tutorial on how to import and export assignments (the kind of thing I need a reminder of each semester):



    K. Andrew Parker

    Thanks for the reminder, Jonas. I’ve been intending to post a version of that tutorial here…

    Generally, when courses are cloned from existing ones, the .def files will already be there waiting – so you can skip to the end and just import the problem sets right away.

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