Stories of Service

Jocelyn Maya

New York City College of Technology

English homework

Loytoya Wills Biography

Loytoya Wills, a soon to be 20 year old from Brooklyn, New York will celebrate her very much anticipated birthday on September 10th. Previously to coming to City Tech Loytoya attended Brownsville Academy High School in Brooklyn. This busy young women also juggle’s two jobs while attending college. Now that deserves a round of applause fellow readers. Her calm and friendly demeanor reflects her favorite color purple; subsequently, the color purple is often associated with meanings such as: calmness, peace, and dignity. If Loytoya could go anywhere in the world they would visit the captivating Guyana in South America. With over 90% of Guyana’s population living along the coast, it’s no wonder Loytoya would visit such a place, where it’s probably close to impossible to turn down a visit to the beach. Based on my brief interaction with Loytoya, I can see she will fit into the student community at City Tech.