Samuel St Louis’s ePortfolio

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Greetings to all. My name is Samuel St. Louis. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my portfolio. I have already graduated with an associate’s degree in mechanical engineering technology. I am now currently striving to get my bachelors in that same field as well.
When i first chose mechanical engineering, i only looked at it in terms of money. Even now, i still kind of think of it that way. But what student wouldn’t want their studies to pay off later, right? As i started to take some of these classes, i began to see just how interesting mechanical engineering can be regardless of what your concentration is. That is why i chose to stick with it. Once i graduate with my bachelor’s, i hope to use all i have learned to try and create my very own manufacturing firm and strive to be a company people will want to gravitate to.
Maybe you can be a part of that journey with me.
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