Quantitative Reasoning

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  • PE2.27
  • #30105

    Ezra Halleck

    27) For the following data set, find the mean, median, mode and midrange and comment on skewing.
    22 16 8 14 16 13 14 34



    1)To find the mean add all number and didvide by the amount of numbers there.

    8+13+14+14+16+16+22+34 divide by 8
    137/8= 17.125

    2)The Median is 12 since it’s even and between two even numbers which is 14 and 16
    3)The mode is 14 and 16 since they both occurred twice
    4)The midrange is is the lowest + highest/2 ( 8+34/2=21
    5)Since the mean is greater than the median the skewing goes to the right

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