PSY2404 Personnel and Organizational Psychology, FA2017

Assignments- Except for Exams, all work must be typed

Two Exams 30 %

Oral History Project 15 %

Two Short papers 20%

2ndary source analysis10%

Primary Source essays 15%

Attendance/Participation 10%




There will be two quizzes, one at mid-term and one final.  I will provide an essay question about a week or two in advance of the quiz. The questions will focus on the material from the textbook/ lectures. Answers should provide historical evidence from the textbook/ lecture and review sessions to support an argument-driven essay.



Primary Sources- based on “Sources from the Past.”

You will write THREE primary source papers. Each of these papers will be no longer than 450 words, but no shorter than 300.  Please write three single spaced paragraphs and use Times New Roman 12pt font or something comparable.

Primary Source Paper: From the textbook and posted on blackboard

P1- Should provide the title of the source, a very brief summary of the text and say what students hope to critique-argue in P2.  Students need to provide an argument-thesis driven statement. A summary alone is neither desirable nor enough to thoroughly complete the assignment.

P2- Should be an analytical paragraph that provides (at least) one example from the text to support the author’s claim…ie. The slave’s story provides insight into the cruelty of the system, “insert quotation from text here.”  Using direct quotations provides clarity and helps to support the author’s claims.

P3- Should summarize briefly what was covered in P1 and P2 and also say something about the significance of this document for the study of world history and how it shows global interconnectivity.  Do not throw this paragraph away, put as much effort into it as P1 and P2.

Secondary source assignment

You are to write ONE response paper that offers a clear understanding of the argument of the scholar for your oral history project.

P1- Summarize the article/source-

Who is the scholar?

What is their argument?

Is it compelling?


P2- What is your evidence for your critique? What is your critique? Use quotations when appropriate.

P3- Offer a conclusion

Short Papers

*12 point-Times New Roman-Double Spaced- 1 inch margins

Autobiography of Malcolm X: How does Malcolm understand his blackness and race generally over the course of his life according to the text?

Film Summary

La Haine: What are the universal themes present in this film? How does it show the impact of global interconnectivity?


 (Rubric for Short Papers)

P1-Should briefly introduce the novel and introduce the argument at the end of the paragraph by providing a thesis that answers the research question posed above.  This paragraph should be no more than 200 words.

P2-P3- P4- Should provide evidence to support the author’s argument, but also provide analysis and observances that will support the author’s claim about the novel.  All of your paragraphs must provide quotations from the text to support any claims that you make. Paraphrasing is not an acceptable alternative to direct quotations.

P5- Should provide a conclusion that recaps the argument and reflects on what was discusses in the paper.  Again do not throw this paragraph away.  It’s the last chance to make a good impression!

Oral History Project

Halfway through the semester you will submit an oral history of two people from your life and ask them about a specific event and their experience with that event. I will provide readings about how to take an Oral History and we will discuss what you need to do to craft questions and provide your final 4 page write-up.  You will present your findings and we will discuss how oral histories support understanding contemporary history.

You can select professors, former teachers, mentors, parents, friends or anyone in your life that his lived through a significant historical event.