Prof. James Wu_10am_Eng1121_D420_Spring2020

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  • Sean Wilentz Reflection
  • #58919


    The first thing you’ll be greeted with is a sudden similarity to Hannah’s article about black freedom. Sean Wilentz started with a commentary, in which he talked to his audience, about something in the past where he was conversing with his colleagues about the three most crucial events that factored into the sovereign rights for all Americans. These events are the Civil War, the American Revolution, and the history of resistance to racism from Jim Crow Act. These three events were major obstacles for black people to overcome since these three factors were stepping points for racial freedom for black people and for all. By just glancing at the article, you can tell that Sean Wilentz is infatuated with Hannah’s piece and used it as a stimulus for his view of the history of racism. But Hannah’s piece was intended to inform the reader of a broad view of racism through her eyes. This article went more in depth with the more fundamental points like economic stability for example, the south was so dependent on slaves to work for them that some people think that if the slaves get taken away, they would be vulnerable to ‘‘financial suicide’’. Also so unlike Hannah’s article, Wilentz piece was mostly about the facts and only the facts. But all and all I much prefer the Hannah Jones article rather than Wilentz’s article since it’s easier to follow and to have a grasp on what you’re reading.

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