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  • Writing NYC
  • #12292

    Mark Noonan

    On my course site for ENG1101 (Composition I), I have listed my syllabus and course requirements. To the syllabus,
    I have linked readings that are in the public domain as well as a great Charlie Chaplin film called “The Immigrant” (1917). I will add more such links and hope to also add sites to the resources section. As my students read and write about New York, they will have access to links to NYC’s great museums, films about NYC and Brooklyn, as well as a google map which will publish some of their location specific writings. I look forward as well to posting weekly questions relating to the city and hope students in turn will respond with comments about urban issues they experience personally or read about as the semester progresses. My site is at:


    Maura A. Smale

    This looks great, Mark! Let me know if you have any questions about linking to library resources, I’m happy to help. I know we have both of your textbooks on reserve at the library so you could also add the call number for those books to your Readings page if you like.


    Anne Leonard

    Mark, feel free to link to or use links from the library guide on NYC research:

    Suggestions welcome also!

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