OpenLab Pioneers!

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  • I think I got it!
  • #12296

    John Akana

    Thanks to the workshops, a great technical support team and the advice and examples of my fellow “Fellows”, I was able to put together what I think is a pretty good website. I will continue to edit and make changes throughout the upcoming weeks. Please take a look and let me know what you think and offer ways that I might improve the site:


    Elizabeth Alsop

    Hi John,

    I think your site looks wonderful! I especially love the “OpenForum,” and the idea of using the NYT RSS feed as a spur for class discussion.

    One suggestion would be to think about where to locate that student forum. Currently, it’s housed on a “page,” which students will not be able to edit. One possibility is to relocate it to what is currently your home page, which is also the blog portion of your site (i.e. where all the “posts” appear). If you do, you could easily “stick” your welcome message and sample assignment to the top or move them somewhere else. There’s also the “Forum” on the groups side of the course, though it seems like you might prefer to keep some student discussion on the site itself.

    Let me know if you’d like to talk more about these or other possibilities…I’d be happy to!


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