MAT2680 Differential Equations, FA2013

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  • problem- 6, ch-6.4(GRAPH) /home work
  • #13603


    hello everyone,
    i try to graph the solution of problem 6 that we did in class and professor ask us to graph it as a homework.
    if any one else graph the solution please let me know that i am right or wrong.


    Ezra Halleck

    Remember to turn in an analysis of this graph. It is your quiz problem from last Thursday. Here are some questions that may help you analyze it:
    Do the initial values of the graph correspond to those of the problem?
    What happens in the initial segment (before the forcing function kicks in)?
    What happens after the forcing function kicks in?
    Finally, what happens to the function in the long run? Is there some equilibrium solution towards which the function is going?



    i forget that professor ask us to gragh it in a interval of 0 to 4.


    Ezra Halleck

    Actually, your first graph was more illustrative, as it shows the graph leveling off. It is not clear in the 2nd graph what is happening in the longterm.

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