MAT1375/D572 – Ganguli – Spring 2019

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  • no class tomorrow (Tues Feb 11)
  • #52955

    Suman Ganguli

    Just a reminder that CityTech is closed tomorrow (Tues, Feb 11) so we won’t have class. But please work on the open WebWork sets in the meantime.

    I will extend the due dates for “Functions – Difference Quotient” and “Functions – Operations” since we will cover some of that material in class this Friday, but please work through as much of those HW sets as you can before Friday.

    As always, you should read the text preceding the HW exercises and/or in the textbook to help understand this material and do the HW.

    We will have our first midterm exam within the next couple weeks, so it’s important you keep up with the homework.

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