MAT 2580 Intro to Linear Algebra – Spring 2013 – Ganguli

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  • Final Exam Review / Office Hours
  • #13391

    Suman Ganguli

    Here is an outline of topics/examples to review for the final exam:

    –solutions sets of linear systems (Sec 1.5: Examples 1-3)
    –linear independence (Sec 1.7: Examples 1 & 2)
    –finding the inverse of a matrix A, using it to solve a linear system (Sec 2.2: Examples 4 & 7)
    –definitions of Col A & Nul A (Sec 2.8: Examples 4 & 6, Practice Problems 1-3, Exercises 7-10)
    –calculating determinants (Sec 3.1: Examples 1-3)
    –definition of eigenvectors/eigenvalues (Sec 5.1: Examples 2 & 4)
    –finding eigenvalues using the characteristic equations (Sec 5.2: Example 3)
    –diagonalizing A using its eigenvectors & eigenvalues (Sec 5.3: Practice Problem 2, Exercise 5)

    I will have office hours Tuesday and Wednesday 12-2pm (in N724). Please come by if you have questions.

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