MAT 1272 Statistics, SP2014

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  • #13695

    Ezra Halleck

    Describe the law of large numbers and why it makes possible the empirical approach to finding probabilities.



    The law of large numbers is a theorem that centers around performing the same experiment a large amount of times. The more times an experiment is performed then the closer the results will get to the expected probabilities.


    YinYin A. Li

    In probability theory, the law of large numbers is a theorem that describes the result of performing the sameexperiment a large number of times.
    It makes possible same empirical approach to finding probabilities.because more performance you do on the same experiment, you will more likely get the result with sqme equal chance.



    A “law of large numbers” is one of several theorems expressing the idea that as the number of trials of increases, the percentage difference between the expected and actual values goes to zero.


    I agree with the comments made so far ,since in the law of large numbers whenever a probability experiment is repeated in an increasing manner, there is a chance that an empirical probability of a named event will approach the theoretical probability of that same event.


    Ezra Halleck

    I appreciate all of your contributions and the collective effort that went into addressing this difficult question. Probability is a tricky subject and there are a lot of subtleties. When an experiment is repeated and the results are averaged with the previous results, the new average will not ALWAYS be closer to the actual underlying probability, but the chance of being closer get’s higher. For example, we could never say that a political candidate will get a certain percentage of the vote. However, we can increase the number of people we poll and narrow the interval in which we think the candidate’s actual support lies. The candidate’s support may be far away from our prediction, but if we are careful with our sampling, this will rarely happen. It turns out that to decrease by half the width of the interval in which we think a candidate’s support lies, the number of potential voters polled must be quadrupled. [Typically, the interval selected is chosen so that it will be correct 95% of the time.]


    Caroline Carreño

    The law of large numbers is about the more something is done or repeated, the more accurate it is to calculations of probability. It makes possible the empirical approach to finding probabilities because the capabilities for repetition are within human observance.

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