Living Lab General Education Seminar

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  • Informational Literacy-Adomaitis
  • #34647

    Information literacy is the ability to use technology such as ibrary databases to enhance learning outcomes and meet objectives of learning.



    I would like to add that information literacy allows us to assess the “quality” of the information that we are receiving, that is whether we are using a reliable source or not.


    Rachel Raskin

    Information literacy is the ability to find information, critically analyze the information and use it creatively to solve a problem or answer a question. Information literacy extends beyond college research. Being information literate is critical to any professional field. Many business students may not realize the importance of information literacy, but the ability to gather information, analyze it and make a strategic decision is an essential business skill.


    I agree Rachel, Information Literacy is a valuable set of skills that empowers students to become agile information seekers who adapt to changing modes of information delivery and are selective, critical, ethical users of information in all formats. These skills are embedded within course work throughout academic programs. Even though informational literacy is not new, it is a way to enhance academic outcomes and student learning.


    Prof. Karen Goodlad

    “Quality”…so critical. My students will start their exploration of the topic of IL and how to best express their learning on Monday. Monica Berger in the library is planning on asking just that question. With all the information that is around us how DO we find what is of greater quality and what is not.


    Prof. Karen Goodlad

    @rachel I agree, IL has not boundaries. It informs our professional, personal, civic and family responsibilities.


    Yes- civic and ethnical are very important….look at our “role models”




    For time’s sake, I will say peer-reviewed articles. However, regarding the news, reading multiple sources, including foreign press, is a way to gauge the reliability of the piece of news.

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