International Inheritance Laws

Intestacy laws of Hungary

            The laws in Hungary are similar to the laws in United States of America. Hungarians go by two sets of basic rules. The rules follow a standard guideline such which is called “linear principle and the principle of forced shares.” The principle of forced shares in Hungary is similar to New York’s law inheritance law regarding spouses which states that a spouse must receive a minimum portion of their spouse’s estate which in Hungary its minimum amount is one third of the estate. However, the Hungarian principle of forced shares applies to all to all of the direct descendants of the decedent; such as children and parents.  If a person dies with children and a spouse the children must receive a share of the estate.  That part gets even more interesting which will be explored later.

When someone dies without a will the linear principle is used. In this case the laws are much like our laws. Hungarians follow the direct descendant approach leaving spouses everything if the decedent had no children and if the descendant had children the estate is split between the spouse and the children. One twist to the spouse’s portion of the estate is if rea; property is involved the property will remain children’s property and the spouse will have full access to it, however if the spouse remarries the children can reclaim the property. In a case like this the spouse is still entitled to be receive one third of the value of the estate. I also would like to add that Hungary fully acknowledges registered partners. So if a couple were legally registered as partners they would receive treatment equivalent to what a married couple would receive.

In Hungary a person must be over the age of 14, in slight contrast to New York’s law, in which the legal age is 18. Hungarian laws are strikingly similar to our laws, as it involves mental capacity a will may be deemed invalid if capacity requirements are not met. There are no laws requiring a person to have a lawyer draft up a will. As a matter of fact a civil notary is the person that is responsible for registering and presiding over wills and estates in Hungary. There are attorneys in Hungary that handle wills and estates, it is not mandatory to have one present. It is not even mandatory to register a will in Hungary. Wills are executed similar to the way wills are executed in the US.  In addition they have similar types of wills; such as holographic, allographic, which are wills sign by the testator with two witnesses’ present, and the authentic wills which is a will made by the civil law notary or a judge.

I provide you with the name and contact information to a lawyer in Hungary that handles wills and estates.  The site to this law firm gave a brief description of the types of cases they handle and it also included some information about the firm’s experience. The law firm’s name is Bozzay & Partners Law firm and their email address is en.html contact phone number for the firm was written as follows + 36 1 2250365.  I found several attorneys that handle wills and estate, but this firm was of special preference because it boasts that it serves clients in North America.

In conclusion, I have researched an interesting artifact located at the National Museum of Hungary that was found at an Ancient cemetery located at Nagykoru”( which must be a town located in Hungary).

                                                                         This belt   at first gland may not appear to be interesting however, it was discovered in   an ancient burial ground of the grave of male decedent, in the 10th   century. The burial grounds no longer exist today. It was used as vineyards   which was the cause of the burial grounds destruction. However archaeologists   found the remains of this belt and a few other ancient artifacts that was   lost in the ancient burial grounds. From the in depth design and rich texture   of the belts the archaeologist were able to determine that this belt belonged   to someone  that was very prosperous in   that era and had plenty of political power in the town.






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