International Inheritance Laws

In Haiti, they had a few museums with all types of art pertaining to their life style. Sadly, all of the museums are no longer there after the devastating hurricane which hit a few years ago. They are working on making new museums and trying to salvage all the art that was not damaged from the hurricane.

One piece of art the seemed interesting to me is this Gede which is a ghoulish spirits. There are different types of Gede, there is a Papa Gede who is recognized as the first person to die, it is a picture of a skeleton with a cigar in his mouth and an apple in his left hand. This particular Gede is a ghoulish spirit. A ghoulish spirit is an evil spirit which robs graves; this piece is a symbol of Haitian art because it has to do with the voodoo that so many Haitians believe in.


This piece can not be found in any Haitian museums because there are no museums in Haiti left but it may be found in Haitian Heritage Museum, I am not 100% sure of this but the Gede are well known all over Haiti so it might be.


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