HUS3605 Child Welfare and Family Services

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  • Tiffani Policastro - Session One
  • #44443


    The Astor organization seems like a very wonderful, helpful organization. As I watched the video I wondered why there are not more services like this available for those who need them. To me this organization acts as a foundation for children and their families. If you have an organization that supports, you it makes all different transitions go a lot more smoothly and efficient.

    The Mary Ellen story makes me truly wonder about society and how we view child abuse. I find it appalling that parents can treat their children the way Mary Ellen was treated. It is amazing how animals were put to higher living standards then children. I only say that because animals had rights that children didn’t have. In the end it may be because abuse against children wasn’t brought into the light. In the end the idea behind this story allows for awareness to be brought to child abuse and neglect.

    Cross cultural skills are very important when working in the human service field. You need to be able to help people and guide them in a way that doesn’t disrespect who they are, and the things they believe in. You need to be competent of religions, genders, and sexuality’s, you work with. People are very complex and you have to gain knowledge to make sure you don’t offend the people you are trying to help.

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