Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • sexual symbols
  • #68108

    Jabir Alam

    Name three different things you feel you learned.
    Another thing learned was that split screens in films were used in different locations
    Using small jump cuts
    elliptical editing.

    . Mention something you liked about the presentation.
    After watching the presentation I was surprised by how important the split-screen and cross-cut was in the presentation

    . Ask at least one question that now comes to mind about this presentation.
    Do filmmakers still use the technique mentioned in the presentation?

    Sexual Symbolism:

    4) Name two or three different things you feel you learned
    cigars were a sexual symbol
    * Sexual symbols are often used in films due to censorship

    .) Mention something you liked about the presentation
    I liked one thing about presentation of how the director used sexual symbols in characters genders especailly being seductive to womens

    ) Ask at least one question
    Whats the benefits of using sexual symbols in movies?

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