Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • september 4 document 2
  • #68172

    Josue Manzueta

    1 The sun made its usual round of the house as the afternoon ripened into evening.[personification]
    2 I had a drink. […] Most of the dandelions had changed from suns to moons.[metaphor]
    3 […]An old fence at the back of the garden separated us from the neighbor’s
    4 garbage receptacles and lilacs; but there was nothing between the front end of
    5 our lawn (where it sloped along one side of the house) and the street. Therefore I
    6 was able to watch (with the smirk of one about to perform a good action) for
    7 the return of Charlotte […]. As I lurched and lunged with the hand mower[alliteration], bits
    8 of grass optically twittering in the low sun[personification], I kept an eye on that section of
    9 suburban street. It curved in from under an archway of huge shade trees[personification], then
    10 sped towards us down, down, quite sharply, past old Miss Opposite’s levied[alliteration]
    11 brick house and high-sloping lawn (much trimmer than ours) and disappeared
    12 behind our own front porch which I could not see from where I happily belched
    13 and labored. The dandelions perished[personification]. A reek of sap mingled with the
    14 pineapple[alliteration]. Two little girls, Marion and Mabel, whose comings and goings[metaphor] I had
    15 mechanically followed of late (but who could replace my Lolita?) went toward
    16 the avenue (from which our Lawn Street cascaded), one pushing a bicycle, the
    17 other feeding from a paper bag, both talking at the top of their sunny voices.[personification]
    18 Leslie, old Miss Opposite’s gardener and chauffeur, a very amiable and athletic
    19 Negro, grinned at me from afar and shouted, re-shouted[alliteration], commented by
    20 gesture, that I was mighty energetic today. The fool dog of the prosperous
    21 junk dealer [metaphor] next door ran after a blue car–not Charlotte’s. The prettier of the
    22 two little girls (Mabel, I think), shorts, halter with little to halt[alliteration], bright hair–a
    23 nymphet, by Pan!–ran back down the street crumpling her paper bag [alliteration] and was
    24 hidden from this Green Goat by the frontage of Mr. and Mrs. Humbert’s
    25 residence [metaphor] . A station wagon popped out of the leafy shade[metaphor] of the avenue,
    26 dragging some of it on its roof before the shadows snapped[personification], and swung by
    27 at an idiotic pace, the sweat shirted driver roof-holding with his left hand and
    28 the junkman’s dog tearing alongside[alliteration]. There was a smiling pause–and then,
    29 with a flutter in my breast[metaphor], I witnessed the return of the Blue Sedan. I saw it
    30 glide downhill [personification] and disappear behind the corner of the house. I had a glimpse of
    31 her calm pale profile. It occurred to me that until she went upstairs she would not
    32 know whether I had gone or not.

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