Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • Sept. 11 Classwork and Sexual Symbolism
  • #68093

    Salina Shrestha

    Cinema II
    Name three different things you feel you learned.
    1. Mirrors can make a scene a lot more interesting and create tension.
    2. Split screens sometimes go in very much detail and can make the dialogue give a more profound feel to it
    3. Cross cutting can reveal the similarities of two characters.

    b. Mention something you liked about the presentation.
    I liked how there were a lot of examples that showed more then one meaning of a technique used in the films. Before I never really realized the importance of mirrors in movies and how they add different types of emotions to the characters.

    c. Ask at least one question that now comes to mind about this presentation.
    Are there movies from this year that have used these techniques mentioned in the video?

    Sexual Symbolism
    d. Name two or three different things you feel you learned.
    1. Sometimes in film sexual symbols wouldn’t even be obvious but its the mind of the viewer who catches on
    2. In most of the films shown, it was mostly male centric when it came to the use of sexual symbols or more for the male gaze.

    e. Mention something you liked about the presentation.
    I like how the use sexual symbols also revealed issues of homophobia.

    f. Ask at least one question that now comes to mind about this presentation.
    What was the first film to include sexual symbols?

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