Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • first class 2020 mp3
  • #67266

    afrina nishat

    A. Mighty white, Segregation, Caste discrimination.

    B. What I have seen here women empowerment when most of them were victims of gender inequality.

    C. What is the real meaning of mighty white?


    Raudy Duran

    A. Disney didn’t release their films during the 1940s and 50s due to criticism, Harold Russell, certain actors go through a starvation diet instead of changing their appearance with computer altered.

    B. The Greenscreen how they bring things to life.

    C. Why do certain actors rather go through starvation instead of computer altered.


    Salina Shrestha

    A. Name three things that you learned in the presentation.
    1. An actor not dramatically changing his body from skinny to muscular in Captain America instead using two different actors.
    2. In the earlier years the audience were so used to white actors portraying people of color and had no issue with it.
    3. Stage plays that are made into films rely more on dialogue than original screenplays which may use less of it.

    B. Name at least one thing you liked in the presentation.
    I like how colors were used to signify a type of emotion or trigger for forthcoming events

    C. Ask at least one question about the content of the presentation.
    Why not include more recent movies that have had white actors portraying other races?

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