Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • document 2,3 for class of september 4
  • #67807

    afrina nishat

    document 2 1 The sun made its usual round of the house as the afternoon ripened into evening. (personification)
    2 I had a drink. [….] Most of the dandelions had changed from suns to moons. (simile)
    3 […] An old fence at the back of the garden separated us from the neighbor’s 4 garbage receptacles and lilacs;(personification) but there was nothing between the front end of
    5 our lawn( where it slopped along one side of the house) and the street.(metaphor). Therefore I
    6 was able to watch ( with the smirk of one about to perform a good action) for
    7 the return of Charlotte[….]. (personification) As I lurched and lunged with the hand mower, ( Alliteration) bits
    8 of grass optically twittering in the low sun,( Alliteration) I kept on eye on that section of
    9 suburban street. It curved in from under an archway of huge shade trees, then ( personification)
    10 sped towards us down, down, quite sharply, past old Miss opposite’s lived (Alliteration)
    11 brick house and high-slopping lawn ( much trimmer than ours) and disappeared (metaphor)
    12 behind our own front force which I could not see from where I happily blessed and labored. ( metaphor)
    13 The dandelions perished. (personification) A reek of sap mingled with the pineapple. (personification)
    14 Two little girls, Marion and Mable, whose comings and goings I had ( metaphor)
    15 mechanically followed of late (but who could replace my Lolita?) went toward ( metaphor)
    16 the avenue ( from which our lawn street cascaded) , one pushing a bicycle, the ( Alliteration)
    17 other feeding from a paper bag, both talking at the top of their sunny voices. (metaphor)
    18 Leslie, old Miss Opposite’s gardener and chauffeur, a very amiable and athletic at night to constellations without the use of as or like. (metaphor)
    19 Negro, grinned at me from afar and shouted , re-shouted, commented by ( alliteration)
    20 gesture, that I was mighty energetic today. The fool dog of the prosperous (Metaphor)
    21 Junk dealer next door ran after a blue car-not Charlotte’s. The prettier of the
    22 two little girls ( Mable, I think ) shorts, halter with little to halt, bright hair ( simile)
    23 nymphet, by Pan!-ran back down the street crumpling her paper bag and was (Metaphor)
    24 hidden from this Green Goat by the frontage of Mr. and Mrs. Humbert’s residence. ( Metaphor)
    25 A station wagon popped out of the leafy shade of the avenue, ( personification)
    26 dragging some of it on its roof before the shadows snapped, and swung by( personification)
    27 at an idiotic pace, the sweat shirted driver roof-holding with his left hand and
    28 junkman’s dog tearing alongside. ( Alliteration) There was a smiling pose and then,
    29 with a flutter in my breast, I witnessed the return of the blue Sedan. ( metaphor) I saw it
    30 glide downhill and disappear behind the corner of the house. I had a glimpse of ( personification)
    31 her calm pale profile. It occured to me that until she went upstairs she could not
    32 know whether I had gone or not. ( metaphor)

    document 3
    3 a) which version, the first in black & white or the second in color seems closer to the noble?
    I think the colored version seems closer to the noble because Lolita presented her more closely as an obssesive intensity to Humbert as the noble written.

    b) What are your opinions of the actors playing Humbert, Charlotte, Lolita and Quilty? Are they as you pictured as you began the book ?
    Humbert : I think 1998 actor is more powerful than 1962 because there was less dialogue but more acting, intimacy and more ability to attraction each other.
    Charlotte: Both actress acting equally but in the color one she had less dialogue.
    Lolita: 1998, actress Lolita was more attractive who could broke any mans heart and she was a good actress. she also met my thought about the novel I read.
    Quilty : I prefer 1998 Quilty who was the darkness and the villain of the novel.

    c)Why do you think a blonde actress was cast as Lolita , whose hair color is different in the novel?
    1962 was the time when people was conservative minded that’s why the director cast the Lolita with less beauty. This Lolita’s hair color was different than novels Lolita.

    4. What did You notice about the two different version of Louise, the maid?
    In the black and white movie she was unseen but in the color movie she had joking dialogue.

    5. what differences in tone do you sense in this two films ? why do you think 1962 version has more humor?
    I already mention that 1962 version was more conservative than 1998 version. The modern Lolita was creating intimacy with Humbert quite easily which was not possible in the old time of sense. 1962 version has more humor because the director wants to make people cool about controversial scene to show the comic.

    7 a) name three things you feels you learned.
    1. different use of camera
    2. contrast between hair color which creates good or bad human.
    3. visual effects.

    b) Mention something you liked about the presentation.
    I would like to say about using of camera was interesting because black and white movie actress was getting hard time with the camera. In that time steady camera attached to a actor which was ridiculous in modern time but I enjoyed their acting with that old machanical technique.

    c) Ask at least one question that comes to mind about this presentation?

    Does black an white screen works good as color screen?

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