Films from Literature ENG 2400

name:__________________________________ date ____________
Classwork for August 27 (due by next Thursday night)
1a) What is a novel?
b) Provide an example: PLEASE UNDERLINE ITS TITLE
2a) What is a play?
3 What is film editing?
4a) Define symbol (or symbolism)
b) Provide an example:
5a) Name one of your favorite works of literature or writers.
b) Why do you like this story or this writer?
6a) Name one of your favorite films or movie directors.

b) Why do you like this movie or this director?
Also (due by next Thursday night, Sept. 3. More classwork, the fun part:
Please watch the video called “First Class 2020.mp3,” which is accessed
on this link:
I am asking you to post responses each week since we cannot be in a classroom to discuss
For this presentation, please add your comments in the Discussion board
A. Name three things that you learned in the presentation.
B. Name at least one thing you liked in the presentation.
C. Ask at least one question about the content of the presentation.
Posting your responses counts towards your class participation and weekly attendance.
Please note that this presentation First Class.mp3 is very long, 103 minutes, so you might be
more comfortable splitting it into two halves. You are supposed to read whatever is on the
video and should not be distracted by your phone, texting, or watching television. (The end
credits are largely inaccurate since I have added and dropped many titles without noting them.)
Homework for our next class
A) By next Friday, Sept. 4, please know the answers to the following
literary terms:
1a) Define “metaphor” or “simile,” which are slightly different. Choose
b) Provide an example:
2a) Define “alliteration”
b) Provide an example:
3a) Define “personification”
Provide an example:
4a) Define parallelism or parallel wording in writing
b)provide an example
B. Make sure you have read at the very least the first 10 chapters of
The novel Lolita, which I have sent you or will send upon request.