Films from Literature ENG 2400, Fall 2021 OL 0550

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  • 10/01 "Lolita" I just met a girl named "Lolita"
  • #74033

    Prof. Masiello

    strong>Before you watch the next film, please look at this 2.75-minute-long video about some references to Lolita over the past decades:

    For discussion
    1) Were you aware of the name “Lolita” prior to starting our class?

    2) If so, what did you know? Did you know it was a world-renowned novel? Or a film?

    3) If you had ever heard the song “Don’t Stand so Close to Me,” did you catch the Nabokov lyric or not pay attention to it?

    4) If you have watched Suicide Squad (2016) or Batman vs. Superman (2016), when you read our novel did some of Nabokov’s words seem somehow familiar? (Maybe it was because you heard some of those words in these popular movies.)

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