ENT4900/4901 Internship

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  • Sharon Miller Internship Log
  • #40094

    Sharon M.

    Week 1 – July 11 – July 15th 35 hours

    I began my internship at my approved location of employment, Century 21 Department Store in Brooklyn, NY on July 11, 2017 My title at Century 21 is Visual Display Designer. My duties include installing display frames, walls and tables, installing store lighting for graphics, light carpentry based assignments, store graphics and 3d lettering applications, creating styled product vignettes, assembling and dressing store mannequins, creating upper and window visual displays, providing customer service and sales assistance when needed. This first week focused more on orientation, floor walks and store procedure training. The store was under construction and had no merchandise at this time.


    Sharon M.

    Week 2 – July 18 – July 22, 35 hours

    The second week on the job was spent on store prep. All the employees were required to wear hard hats as we were in a construction zone. I assisted in installing Merchandise H-Frames, pipe fixtures and display fixtures. The store departments were set and I assisted in assembling and placing the Display tables, and fixtures in their proper place prior to the addition of merchandise.

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