English 1101-0384

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  • Sandra Yun's Introduction
  • #67569

    Sandra Yun

    Hi, my name is Sandra Yun. I am a Cambodian-American raised in California. I’m majoring in Dental Hygiene at City Tech College.

    During my time in California, I spent a lot of time outdoors, camping, and hiking. I also volunteered at a Veterinary Hospital for a year. After 5-6 years, I decided to move to the East Coast. During my time living in New York City, I worked in the hospitality industry which led me to Dentistry. My career plans are to become a Dental Hygienist and potentially become a Dentist.

    By taking this English course, I hope to improve my reading and writing skills. Also, I would like to develop communication skills further to relay information effectively to others.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone. Thank you for your time.

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