English 1101-0384

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  • Aha introduction and dialog
  • #67806

    Matt R

    Ahoy, my name is Matthew Richards. And I haven’t written one of these things in a while because I haven’t been in my HS since March, which around the time is when Coronavirus was ramping up. But anyways, I like to run, exercise, and take long showers because it gives me the time to see if I’m really living in the world I reside in, and it also gives me a sense of self. As the shower gives me time to think while feeling nice and clean, exercise gives me the ability to use my emotions to fuel my strength to exercise more, and running is just something I like doing, although I haven’t done track and field. But yeah, as of right now I can’t think of much from the top of my head except I like to play games on the Nintendo Switch, pretty cool games on there. I also plan to transfer to City College since it’s much closer to where I live.

    Person 1: “Hey, did you hear about that new game coming to the Nintendo Switch? I heard it’s pretty good, it has a bunch of new game modes, solid and amazing graphics, and it also has a wide range of characters you can play as, as well as a story mode that is out of this world, quite literally!”
    Person 2: “Yeah, I heard. And I heard it was pretty garbage.”
    Person 1: “W-what?”
    Person 2: “Yup, I heard it was pretty much trash. A literal dumpster fire. Utterly and totally worthless piece of dirty of a game that only an absolute degenerate would play.”
    Person 1: “How could you say that about a game you haven’t even played yet?”
    Person 2: “I don’t have to play it, I just know based on other people’s experience with it”
    Me: “I feel like that’s wrong”
    Person 2: “What do you mean?”
    Me: “Everyone has different experiences when playing games, you can’t just form an opinion based on someone else’s experience. And this game literally just came out and I can’t tell you how many other people say this game popular game ‘trash’ without even playing it.”
    Person 2: “So what? What’s your point?”
    Me: “I’m saying that you’re basically a bandwagoner.”
    Person 2: “N-no, you’re wrong. I’m not”
    Me: “Did you form your own opinion on this game?”
    Person 2: “N-not really-”
    Me: “Did you research this game in any way to see what this game is about and if it may or may not be the right fit for the type of genre of game you like to play?”
    Person 2: “N-no, but-”
    Me: “Did you look on a social media platform and saw someone’s opinion of a game and basically took it as your own?”
    Person 2: “…”
    Me: “You’re a bandwagoner.”
    Person 2: “I won’t believe it”
    Person 1: “You have to man, you have to be able to form your own conclusion and not be swayed by what you see or have been fed by social media. If you do, you will end up believing anything that anyone says and that’s not good.”
    Person 2: “I-I guess you’re right about that…I’m sorry I called the game trash”
    Person 1: “It’s okay bro, let’s hug it out…”
    Person 2: “Thanks man, I kinda don’t feel like letting go…”
    Me: “Take as much time as you need.”
    Person 1: “Actually… you have to let go…”
    Person 2: “Why…?”
    Person 1: “You have to let us both go…”
    Person 2: “What are you talking about man?”
    Person 1: “We were just all in your head…”
    Person 2: “Wh-what? What are you talking about?!”
    Person 1: “We were gone a long time ago…”
    Person 2: “But you’re still here!”
    Person 1: “Nah man, we’re up there[points to head] and here[points to heart]”
    Person 2: “I’m so confused!”
    Person 1: “The car crash wasn’t your fault man…we’ll always be by your side…forever”
    Person 2: “HUH? WHAT ARE YO-”[Fades to black]
    [Person 2 awakes from his slumber and realized he had survived a car crash when driving through the pre-corona apocalypse. With tears flowing down his cheeks, he recalled a memory of what he used to be and how he was able to learn and grow from his friends. But unfortunately, all his friends are dead and he is the sole survivor amongst his hometown. He must fight to survive, and fight for the sake of those who have given their lives to let him live on.]
    [As he adjusts his left mechanical arm that was lost in the car crash, and his cool eye patch that he lost during a fight with 10 dozen other people, he sets out to find food and other survivors like him, this fills him with DETERMINATION]

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