ENG1121 E105 + E120 Composition II, Spring 2018


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  • Anzaluda
  • #47214


    In Gloria Anzaldua’s To live in the border means you poem. She quickly catches the reader’s attention by describing the pain that is carrying 5 races on your back. Meaning her bloodline a third of this or a part that. Gloria describes the feeling of being denied Mexican. It is as bad as “having denied the Indian or Black”.
    A certain particular text that stands out to me which I would like to respond too is in line 28-35. “The volley of shots shattered the truce you are wounded, lost in action dead fighting on my back. My interpretation on the stanza is the dude that was taking her over there or I over the border somehow got caught. Border police came and started shooting or maybe it was an enemy. Either way you or I are wounded. With a hole somewhere in my body; I continue to fight back. “Dead, fighting back”.

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