ENG1101 FYLC,FA2018

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  • Family story
  • #49959


    So in Ecuador, the roads trip aren’t like over here in the united states. Especially from where my parents are from. They live really far from everything. To go from my house to the beach in New York would roughly take 30-50 mins by car. In Ecuador, to go from point A to Point B takes about 8 hours. Throughout the road trip in Ecuador we pass by very different types of landscapes, weather, and altitude. Now that you have an idea of what Ecuador is like, this is the story of how my family almost died going to the beach. So the roads are very thin and there are a lot of curves and to make things worse it’s pitch black. My dad as the fast and furious driver he is, he tries to beat the traffic by driving outside his lane on to the on to the opposite side of the road to cut off the driver ahead of him to past them. It was all going well until there was major traffic ahead. So my dad decides to do the impossible and skip ahead 5 cars in one go. He skips the first 3 cars with a breeze, but as he about to catch up with the fourth car, my dad sees a huge truck coming his way, since we were driving on the opposite side my dad pushed the gas and accelerated as much as he can to pass the next two cars in front of him so that we would get smashed. With just a hairline of a second, our car would have merged and become as one of the truck. we all were in shock for a good 5 minutes. The car was dead silent. So yeah lesson learned on that family trip was ta always lock your doors and to always think before you commit an action

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