ENG 2400 Films from Literature, Spring 2020

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  • Miss Crane's "unmentionables"...
  • #58835

    Prof. Masiello

    Why do you think the costume designer decided that Miss Crane’s bra and slip were white in the first scene but black in the later scenes?

    (These are not just random costume changes.)


    Caleb Dee-Rakower

    She was pure before stealing the money- which is what the white clothing signified, but after she stole the $40k, she gained black clothing, showing that she had sinned.

    Or it was to signify that she was gonna die.


    Prof. Masiello

    Caleb, both of your ideas are good.

    Critics feel it is more the idea that she had sinned, committed the crime of theft.

    Does anyone else feel the black clothing symbolizes death?


    Sara Zheng

    As Caleb said before committing the act of stealing, her clothes were white, but after stealing, the black clothing represents that she sinned. After all stealing is something people look down on. It may also symbolize death because she does get killed by Norman.


    Khomeshwari Sankar

    i see it as black stands for negative forces and actions and white stands for purity and innocence and like Sara Zheng rightfully said that Caleb said that before committing the act of stealing , her clothes changes from white to black representing a change of action.


    Prof. Masiello

    Yes, it is clearly symbolic, the black clothing. There used to be an expression in old-time, rather juvenile Western films made for family-friendly audiences that “Good guys wear white.”

    Also, in religious circles, the color white does, indeed, symbolize purity. The concept of being born with “original sin” means our souls are stained with sin that we have to strive to erase in our lives.

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