ENG 1101 English Composition I, section OL 0110

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  • August 25, 2022 Why is writing important?
  • #80855


    1 I enjoy writing because it allows me to express observations about nature, feelings, knowledge and reflect on life experiences that I have encountered in my life.

    2 i don’t really like reading but if i do its anything that interests me so like funny, action, and scary books

    3 i don’t really write at work but i do send emails and text messages

    4 i am definitely better at writing because i tend to stutter a lot

    5 metaphors, pictures, drawings, similes, and personification.

    6 Question marks, periods, exclamation marks, commas, quotation marks, apostrophes, Colons, parentheses, ellipsis, slash.



    1) What I like about writing is that it allows me to express how I’m feeling and what I’m thinking. I love how creative I can get with my writing, write down my thoughts and ideas.

    2) I do like to read books. The kind of books I like to read are romance novels because it has a little bit of everything like mystery, fantasy, horror, and thriller.

    3) The only writing I do aside from collegework is texting .

    4) I feel like I’m better at writing then speaking because I can really take my time explain my thoughts on paper. I also feel more constable writing because I tend to have bad anxiety when I’m speaking in public and my word gets scrambled up.

    4) Body language, eye contact, tone

    5) Periods, commas, semi colon, question marks,

    6) semi colon

    7) Is open lab the only place where we get work?

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