ENG 1101 English Composition I, section OL 0110

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  • September 14, 2021 Point of View Who is the narrator?
  • #79521

    Prof. Masiello

    1. What is meant by point of view in stories? (It does not mean someone’s opinion.)

    2. Can you think of any stories, any novels or short stories, you have read that are told by a character within the story?

    3. Please name some and whose POV (point of view) is used.

    4. Can you think of any movies you have seen where a character’s POV is used?

    5. How is POV done in a film?

    6. Can you name any movies that demonstrated POV?

    In a typical story for children, the narrator knows everything. He is omniscient, God-like, and knows everything. This is called an omniscient narrator. The narrator will refer to characters using the third person, he and she.

    Please remember that film and novel titles are italicized and short story titles use quotation marks. Use this correctly in your responses.

    In more challenging stories authors often challenge us by telling the story through a character, someone who cannot be everywhere and cannot know everything.

    If the main character is a narrator he or she will use the pronoun “I.”

    7. Which short stories do you remember having read in previous English classes?

    Short stories are meant to be read in one sitting (unlike a novel) and usually have only one plot, just a few characters, and often have a surprise ending.

    Think of the old TV show

      The Twilight Zone

    . The stories were under 26 minutes and had surprise endings.

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